Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I love exams.

Now I know the answer.

I am worried about being worried.

I think I should pay a visit to Secret Recipe and have a piece of Chocolate Indulgence.

I love exams. I love exams. I love exams.

P/S: Please guys, make a will now. Please make sure that the formalities have been complied with, the requirements under Banks v Goodfellow test (for mental capacity) must be satisfied and together with a requisite Animus Testandi. Please do not write your will on an egg shell.

My love and hate relationship with exams.


Nukilan Orang Buta Hati said...

Choc Indulgence is the best way to treat yourself :P

Feequa said...

and also chocolate mud cake. An effective stress reliever.:)